Leduc RCMP Detachment Expansion
City of Leduc and RCMP
December 2021
5,987 m²

Leduc Detachment is an expansion and renovation project to provide single-story and three-story additions onto the existing single-story detachment and firehall. The Firehall was given an addition to help with circulation of their staff to better perform their tasks. The Detachment has a three-story addition as well as other single-story additions that allow for expansion of staff and to provide advanced infrastructure for new technologies required. Most of the existing footprint was updated and renovated for better use of space and new technology infrastructure.

A 3D point model of the existing detachment was generated with scanning technology to help locate all the walls and ceilings, as well as services and structures in the plenum spaces, forming a base for the Revit model.

Based on the need to keep the detachment operational while construction was underway, the project was split into phases. The additions were designed and scheduled to be completed first to allow for the users to relocate into these new spaces while the renovations of the existing detachment take place. Parking was also added to the site to accommodate growth. Part of the project includes life cycle upgrades to parts of the current building including replacement of existing tar and gravel roof with 2-ply SBS. Replacement of numerous rooftop air handling units that have reached the end of their useful life is included as part of this project.

Building construction Phase 1 included 2700m² of additions to the northwest and east sides of the building, a three-story building and out building. Building construction Phase 2 to 5 included demolition of existing garage bays to extend building to the north; removing existing interior walls, millwork and finishes to construct new spaces within the building; removal of exterior wall finishes and replacing with new building envelope and cladding; additional front entrance with canopy and exterior glass enclosure.